Karen's Kanines

This blog is just somewhere for me to write about things going on in my life, things I find interesting, or just things in general. Just a place for family and friends to keep up with what's going on with my family!

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Tomato Thiefs?

A few weeks ago I was out in my yard piddling around. My house has tons of woods around it with all kinds of animals. I noticed four woodpeckers and decided to sit and watch for a bit. These were the bigest woodpeckers I have ever seen and what seem so weird was that they were acting like young birds and not older ones. They stayed in pairs of two and were acting like they were learning to peck on the trees. I got a picture of these two. It was really hard to show in the picture, but they are just absolutely huge. Never in my life have I seen them this big. Wonder if there's something in my woods that they're feeding on that made them so big ... or are they the ones who have been stealing my ripe tomoatos? Time to do some investigative work. Stayed tuned for the update on the tomato thiefs.


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Dreaded Dumpster


Notice anything wrong with this picture? Well, during a roadtrip with my sister, she went into McDonald's to get us some lunch while I took the dog for a potty break. Needless to say, being a court reporter, I always read signs and I just cringe when I see signs like this. So now I will tell you all what is wrong with this picture, but first a little hint: Guess you need to make sure you're quiet while dumping, eh? Still don't get it? Okay. For all you nonspellers, ALLOWED is what it should be and not ALOUD. I think they should just fire the proofreader of this sign. Watch the blog for future boo-boos.


I'm possesed!!

Well, here is the start of my blog. Not sure what in the world possesed me to do this, but what the heck, time to have some fun!!