Ooooh ... Expensive

As most of you know, I am expecting my first grandchild, a boy, in January. My twenty-one year old daughter, Crystal, and I have been registering for her baby shower which will be the beginning of December. Now, remind you, my youngest child is ten years old and boy have things changed in ten years. As we were registering and she was picking things out, my eyeballs were about to bug out of my skull. I couldn't believe the prices of some of the stuff. And for that matter, how much stuff they have today that when my kids were babies we never had. How did I ever do without that baby bottle warmer? How did I ever do without that two hundred buck padded glider with a padded foot stool? And how did I do without the monitor where you can see exactly what the baby is doing? (Gagging while she looks at her empty wallet.) Anyway, we have had fun picking out all kinds of stuff for the baby and are very excited about his arrival.
He already doesn't like Nana (me) because EVERY time he starts moving around and Crystal says, "Mom, he's moving, hurry up", and I run to feel her belly, the instant my hand touches her belly he stops. See, he's already being a brat. (giggle) We are all really excited to finally get to see him and his ten year old uncle can't wait to prop him up in front of the PlayStation to teach him a few things. Don't worry, I'll post of picture of that one. So until the brat arrives ....
Labels: Skyler