My crown was stolen and I'm having a world of a time getting it back. As you can see, it is a very expensive crown adorned with tons of gold and you can see just how happy I am wearing it. I'll give you the lowdown so maybe you can help me find it. There are these people who follow me around .... just joking. About a month ago, my sister got me onto another blog site called Dead Guy on the Sidebar. This is a site where you have to guess who the dead guy is by asking questions. When you do guess who the dead guy is, you get your name on the sidebar with these cute little crowns on each letter of you name. Don't worry about going to the site, I have enough competition as it is now that I can't get my crown back. (smile) Okay, okay. Here it is, but don't blame me if you get addicted:
www.deadguyonthesidebar.comMy oldest sister had this crown and I just couldn't resist putting it on and even having Shannon take the picture. I had to torture her somehow since she is the competition. (grin) Now ..... it's back to Dead Guy to find my crown again!!
Labels: Funnies